Current rating fees – Rating Fees (Changed from 1st September 2023)

September 2024 Ratings – Quick-Search Rating file

For the September 2024 rating period there were 247 Tournaments rated (118 Classic, 129 Quick) and 26826 games of which 11674 were in the ACF Classic rating system and 15152 rateable games were in the ACF Quick rating system.

sepmst24 – Classic ACF Master File
sep24act – Classic Active Players List
sep24quick – Quick Active Players List
topplay – Top Players Open
topfem – Top Players Females
topu20 – Juniors – Top Under 20
topu18 – Juniors – Top Under 18
topu16 – Juniors – Top Under 16
topu14 – Juniors – Top Under 14
topu12 – Juniors – Top Under 12
topu10 – Juniors – Top Under 10
topfu20 – Top Females Under 20
topsen – Top Seniors
topimp – Top Improvers
busiest – Most Active
percat – Percentile Placings
tourname – Normal Tournaments Processed
quicktour – Quick Tournaments Processed

The following files are the copyright of the Australian Chess Federation and by downloading them you agree that you may not, and may not permit or aid others to, modify, extract or otherwise reverse engineer the data in these files and import them to any other data file, database, application, program or system.

Vega – Vega ACF Classic Master File for September 2024 – Vega ACF Quick Master File for September 2024

Swiss Perfect – Swiss Perfect ACF Classic Master File for September 2024 – Swiss Perfect ACF Quick Master File for September 2024

The ACF active list now shows the players active Australia wide rank (excluding OS) and their active state rank.

A rating is followed by either a !!, a !, a blank, a ?, a ?? or a g.

A !! indicates a very reliable rating.
A ! indicates a reliable rating.
A blank indicates the rating is unreliable..
A ? indicates the rating is very unreliable.
A ?? indicates the rating is extremely unreliable.
A g following a number indicates the player needs that many more games before he will get a rating.

A x following a rating indicates that it has expired since the player has not played a rated game in over 10 years. If a player with an expired rating returns and plays in an ACF rated event their new rating will be closely linked and in line with their performance rating and not necessarily their old expired rating. A player with an expired rating is not an unrated player.

Only players who have a rating followed by a ! or a !! and have a career total of at least 30 rated games are eligible for listing in the Top lists.

Eligibility for the Top Improvers list requires you to have completed a career total of at least 30 games in the prior ratings list and a rating followed by a ! or !! in both the current list and the previous list.

Players are reset as unrated if:

  1. They have played less than 9 rated games in total and have not played in the last 2 years.
  2. They have played less than 30 rated games in total, have not played in the last 3 years and were a junior when they last played.
  3. They have played less than 30 rated games in total and have not played in the last 5 years.