Rating Fees
The ACF Admin fee is invoiced by the ACF to the respective State Association. Note State Associations may charge the organiser (an individual or club) a different fee.
The ACF FIDE Admin fee and the FIDE tournament registration fee are invoiced directly to the tournament organiser (which could be an individual, club or State Association) by the ACF.
Note all FIDE rated tournaments must also be ACF rated.
ACF Admin Fee
For all tournaments starting on or after the 1st September 2023.
This fee applies to all ACF and FIDE rated tournaments. It is $1 per game for normal games, 35 cents per game for Rapid and 15 cents per game for Blitz.
ACF FIDE Admin Fee
This fee applies to all FIDE rated tournaments. It is 30 cents per game for normal (standard) games with a minimum charge of $30. For Rapid and Blitz tournaments it is 10 cents per game with no minimum charge.
FIDE Tournament Registration Fee (Rating Fee)
This fee is 1 euro per player for Swiss tournaments. For round robins it is based on the average rating of the players. For most club tournaments where the average rating is below 2230 this is 1 euro per player but can be 5 (below 2379), 10 (below 2599, 15 (below 2699) or even 20 (2700+) euro per player. Currently FIDE is only charging this fee for normal (standard) games and is not charging it for Rapid and Blitz. FIDE invoice these fees to the ACF every 6 months in January and July. The ACF then invoices the organiser.