ACF Grand Prix 2014 Leaderboard
The ACF GP has concluded, the top 10 scores in each division are as follows:
Ly, Moulthun 122.50
McClymont, Brodie 116.25
Morris, James 71.00
Izzat, Kanan 68.92
Nakauchi, Gene 58.04
Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter 42.70
Vajda, Levente 42.70
Melkumyan, Hrant 41.67
O’Chee, Kevin 37.25
Jones, Richard S 33.75
Weller, Tony 82.45
Willathgamuwa, Kevin 45.00
Lovejoy, David 42.16
Stahnke, Alexander 37.17
Zhong, Tony (Junhao) 33.11
Chew Lee, Max 32.34
Tsai, Charles 32.16
Jule, Alexandra 30.91
Cannon, David 30.25
Stokes, Mark C 29.77
Hathiramani, Dillon 85.00
Stokes, Mark C 58.58
Zhong, Tony (Junhao) 54. 34
Beeman, Robert 52.83
Jain, Kamal 47.88
Porter, Marcus 45.50
Yang, Ray 45.33
Harrison, Zoe 35.33
Yung, Cameron 32.50
Tsai, Charles 31.92
Dale, Ari 67.25
Smirnov, Anton 62.50
Willathgamuwa, Kevin 61.25
Stahnke, Alexander 60.00
Slater-Jones, Tom 52.08
Tsai, Charles 50.70
Zhong, Tony (Junhao) 48.03
Dutta, Rishi 44.10
Li, Zuhao (Luke) 40.00
Zhai, Mo 40.00
Richards, Heather 107.50
Young, Gail 81.00
Jule, Alexandra 62.83
Zhai, Mo 57.50
Reid, Vaness 50.00
Chibnall, Alana 44.00
Guo, Emma 42.50
Sengeravdn, Otgonjargal 40.00
Zepeda, Lorena 40.00
Stones, Rebecca 23.00
The full list of scores for all competitors can be found here.