Australian Chess Federation Inc.

Oceania Hybrid 3.6 Zonal – 2021

I am pleased to be able to announce details for a Zone 3.6 Championship to select a representative
player for the 2021 World Cup, at this stage scheduled for Sochi, Russia in July.

The tournament will use FIDE Hybrid tournament rules and has been approved at the Asian Chess
Federation Executive Board meeting held Monday, February 15th.
The tournament will be held as a round robin event over the consecutive weekends of March 20th and 21st and March 27th and 28th.
Two rounds will be played per day, 4 rounds over each weekend. In case of a tied result, FIDE World Cup tie-breaks will be used.

  • FIDE Hybrid Rules apply.
  • World Cup Time Control of 90 minutes + 30 secs increment + 30 minutes addition.
  • Round times (Sydney time) to be 11am and 5pm on March 20th and 21st and March 27th and 28th.
  • The Chief Technical Arbiter and Coordinator is David Esmonde.
  • Chief Arbiters are IA Leonid Sandler and IA Peter Tsai
  • The tournament will be FIDE rated.
  • In the event of a tie, FIDE World Cup tie-breaks will be used. The winner will be entitled to
    represent Zone 3.6 in the 2021 FIDE World Cup.
  • A prize fund will be distributed as follows:
    1st $2,000 (US)
    2nd $1,500 (US)
    3rd $1,000 (US)
    4th $ 500 (US)

More details to follow soon.

Paul Spiller
President zone 3.6