From: "Paul Broekhuyse" To: Subject: ACF Bulletin # 186 - 13 October 2002 Date: Monday, 14 October 2002 4:11 AM ACF Bulletin # 186 - 13 October 2002 IN THIS ISSUE: President's statement; George Howard to be next ACF President; Olympiad Appeal; Bled website coverage; Inaugural Sydney CBD Club Championship; Lidums Cup; Medals; The Gap Junior Chess Club Tournament; Box Hill Weekender; Koala Open 2002; NSW tournaments; Chess World Tournament Centre; Redcliffe Challenge; PRESIDENT'S STATEMENT ACF Webmaster Paul Broekhuyse, who has done a very fine job with the ACF webpage over the last three years, has offered to take over the weekly bulletin and has taken on this responsibilty with immediate effect. Paul ran this idea past me some weeks ago. I'm delighted to take him up on his offer for two reasons. Firstly because my chess centre will be complete within three weeks and my workload has been at gridlock level for some time. Secondly, and more importantly, Paul is a journalist with The Australian newspaper, and I believe that he will quickly advance the quality of the weekly bulletin. He also has some other ideas, which I'm sure he will let you know in due course. Over to you Paul....... - Graeme Gardiner BULLETIN - SUBMITTING NEWS ITEMS, GAMES, ADVERTISEMENTS etc If you know of some news which should be in the Bulletin, such as tournament results, or you wish to advertise an upcoming tournament, please email details to BOTH of these addresses: Paul Broekhuyse: (please note this is a new address) Graeme Gardiner: ACF PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATIONS - GEORGE HOWARD George Howard of South Australia is virtually certain of becoming the next ACF president when Graeme Gardiner steps down at the end of this year. Mr Howard was the only person to nominate for the position, and the deadline for nominations has now passed. OLYMPIAD APPEAL LIST OF DONORS Many, many thanks to our growing list of donors who have supported the ACF Olympiad Appeal to date. Our teams leave this week. If you are able, please support them financially. You can help by sending your donation (by cheque or credit card) to the ACF Treasurer, Norm Greenwood PO Box 1840 Hornsby Westfield NSW 1635. Norm's email address is and phone 02 9476 4533. All donations will be acknowledged in this bulletin. Here is a current list of donations to date: David Christian $30 Roland Brockman $50 Kevin Bonham $50 Robert Keast $160 Graham Clayton $100 David Bavin $300 Neville Ledger $50 K Choong $10 G Ramakrishna $50 Professor R H Stokes $100 Charles Zworestine $100 Fred Flatlow $20 Des Mulcahy $15 Boris Ganke $15 Danny Bisson $10 Robert Colquhoun $10 Ian Jenssen $15 Michael Gross $5 Andrew Johnson $5 Roger Jeffrys $35 Vasil Televski $35 Horst Bleicher $10 Markus Wettstein $10 Alexander Aich $35 Paul Sike $15 Jeremy Gilling $15 Gary Wilson $5 Pierre Wong $5 Ian Shaw $30 Pierre Wong $15 D Djukovic $10 Adrian Chek $35 D Sanchez $15 Ken Mitchell $10 M Fabianolski $10 Rae Galtsmith-Clarke $5 D Harty $5 Wolfgang Brodesser $15 John Pepping $10 Kevin Waller $10 Dragoslav Kragovic $10 Carl Art $5 Cornelis Nieuwendyk $20 Tom Chisholm $10 S Ascic $5 Steve Carratt $10 Gold Coast Chess Club $300 Graeme Gardiner $100 Errol Warwick-Day $20 Ian Parsonage $250 Ingrid Thompson $25 Slobodan Krstic $50 Phil Viner $100 Tom Accola $50 Frankston RSL Chess Club $15 Alek Safarian $100 David Lovejoy $30 Richard Blake $30 Vasil Tulevski $250 Suncoast Chess Club $300 Geoff Hyde $5 David Laugery $5 Ian Hendry $60 Joe McGirr $15 Joze Boroovnjak $5 Lloyd Fell $15 Rex Simmonds $15 William Ross $15 Michael Baum $20 Bill Egan $50 Geraldine Johns-Putra $100 Michael Finch $50 Frankston RSL CC $100 Elwood CC $50 John Kable $50 ACF Bulletin Adverts: Ozmium P/L (Guy West) $150 Chess Today (Alex Baburin) $75 Australian Chess Enterprises (Brian Jones) $150 Chess Discount Sales (Peter Parr) $150 Chess World P/L (David Cordover) $75 Clive Lane $150 Add Balance brought forward at 1 September 2001 $415.35 Total Olympiad Donation Funds to date $4,830.35 Plus: NSW Premier's Department $7,000 Plus: Ansell (Contract yet to be finalised) $10,000 Grand Total: $21,830.35 In addition, all monies for paid adverts received up until the Olympiad will be included in the appeal. PUBLICITY/SPONSORSHIP SUCCESS - JASON LYONS Since his appointment as captain of the Australian women's team to the 35th Chess Olympiad in Bled, Slovenia, Jason Lyons has been working creatively to drum up publicity and sponsorship for both Australian teams. Media releases have been written, faxed, posted, and emailed. Phone calls have been made to several tiers of Government asking that they support our cause. Some of his successes to date: 1. Media: In addition to the regular chess columns, Jason was interviewed on the Alan Jones program in Sydney, arranged for a segment to air on the nationally broacast JJJ Breakfast Show, had the lead article in the Sydney Morning Herald's popular Column 8 on Saturday October 5 [this link will work until about midnight Sunday, after which Monday's Column 8 will replace it:], and even rated a mention in the sports section of the Sun Herald in Sydney [Danny Wielder's column, inside the back page]. There's also the possibility of a TV appearance and other media coverage once the sponsorship below is formalised. 2. Sponsorship: Jason nurtured two major sponsorship deals over the past month: The NSW Premier has generously provided $7,000 towards the Olympiad Appeal; the second deal has yet to be formalised, but a contract is likely be signed very soon that will see Ansell become the major sponsor of the Australian teams. This not only ensures a fully funded Australian team, it generates mainstream media, raising the profile of chess and the significance of the Chess Olympiad for Australia. Jason will also be providing regular updates of our progress in Bled. Hearty thanks for his efforts. BLED WEBSITE COVERAGE ACF president-elect George Howard will be in Bled as a Press Representative, ensuring a regular supply of stories and pictures. Please check the ACF site or the SACA site for details. AUSTRALIAN SCHOOLS TEAMS FINALS, 14/15 DECEMBER Gary Wastell expects to give full details of this event in next week's bulletin. LIDUMS CUP 2002 First $1000 Srboljub Zaric Equal Second Erik Teichmann and Giang Thu Nguyen each $375 Womens Prize (T shirt) Thu Giang Nguyen Under 1800 Equal First $75 each Robin Wedding and Derek Butler Equal Third SACA T Shirt Adam Takos and Venu Sarma Under 1500 First $100 James Obst Equal Second $30 each Sunny Yoon and Andrew Schultz Under 1150 First $100 Andrew Eckermann Second $50 Edvard Atrens Third SACA T Shirt Kailash Thiyagarajah Junior First $100 Anand Thiyagarajah Second $25 each Syamanda Heitmann, Prakash Thiyagarajah and Ashwin Utturkar Total $2505 NOMINATIONS FOR ACF MEDALS State Associations are reminded of the opportunity to nominate persons for ACF medals as detailed in the ACF Medals Procedures by-law contained in the ACF Constitution/Administrative Manual, which may be viewed at the ACF web site at The by-law includes the following guidelines for medals to be presented in January 2003. Steiner Medal for Australian 'Player of the Year 2002' This is awarded to the "Player of the Year". It is to be the player who has made the greatest impact, not necessarily the highest-rated - it is for the most notable achievement of the year and may be awarded to the same person more than once. Koshnitsky Medal This is awarded annually for an outstanding contribution to Australian chess administration at a national or a state level. CJS Purdy Medal This is awarded in odd-numbered years for an outstanding contribution to Australian chess as a journalist at a national or state level. Whyatt Medal This is awarded for outstanding success as a chess problem composer, taking into account the composer's published problems. It is awarded every five years, commencing 2003. Note that the selectors will not be asked to undertake the difficult, time-consuming and error-prone task of judging particular problems as if they were freshly submitted to them, but instead to rely on the work already done by competition judges, perhaps taking into account also the comments of editors and solvers. The winner will be asked to prepare a short note dealing with at least one of the problems that resulted in the award. This note should be aimed at explaining to the general chess-playing public in simple language (defining technical terms when needed) some of the ideas involved in the problem(s). Attention may be drawn to intellectual, artistic and other features. A way should be indicated by which readers can follow up any further interest they might then have in problems as a result of their having read this note. The note should be made widely available to all who may potentially be interested, and certainly to all members of the ACF. Nominations Nominations need not be from among a State's own members. A separate document (or set) containing the following should be provided in respect of each nominee: - name (correctly spelt); - contact details (phone, email, postal address); - description or list of relevant achievements; - anything else relevant to the nomination. (A form for this information may be obtained on request. A nomination not on such a form but containing the above will be considered.) In the case of a nomination for the Whyatt medal, the setting out of achievements should include a listing of published problems and of any awards received in competitions, giving full publication details and a reproduction from the publication itself. Published commentary on the problems may be attached, including the comments of competition judges and, if desired, also of editors and solvers. No limit is placed on the number of problems that may be listed. The Koshnitsky and Purdy medals may not be won more than once by the same person. (Previous winners are listed at Nominations may be forwarded as follows: - email: - post: 20 Sycamore Grove, East St Kilda 3183 - fax: (03) 9525 9632 A person submitting a nomination must retain at least one complete copy and must phone (03) 9525 9631 or 0419 525 963 to confirm that it has been received if delivery has not been acknowledged 36 hours after expected delivery time. Deadlines: - Koshnitsky, Purdy, Whyatt medals: Wednesday 20 November 2002 - Steiner medal: Thursday 2 January 2003 TASMANIAN OPEN - DATES The Tasmanian Open advertised in the Bulletin as being on the 3rd-5th November is actually on the 2nd-4th November. 12TH REDCLIFFE CHALLENGE Despite the absence of many "regulars", the 12 Redcliffe Challenge attracted 51 players with a large number of "young 'uns". Rd 1 had no upset results. Rd.2. Junior Robert Hvistendahl (1445) won against higher rated Paul Summers (1753) and Sam Long (1285) beat Casey Barnard (1618). Among the "biggies" (adults) Matthew Thomas (unrated) accounted for Scott Hoens (1043) . Rd.3 Main upset was by Stephen Kinder (932) with a win over Peter Paterson (1381), Paul Summers made his second appearance in the upset stakes going down this time to Phachara Wongwhichit (1596). 6 players finished the day undefeated. Seeds 1& 2 Stephen Solomon and Khalimzahn Abylkassov were joined on 3/3 by Jonathon Humphrey, Tony Weller (flying the Redcliffe Club colours), Toshi Kimura and Louay Al-Zaher . They fill the top 3 boards for Rd4. Three of the top six are Juniors and there are 3 Juniors on the next two boards . Did somebody say "Chess is an old folks game!?" . Rd.4 Three withdrawals at the bottom of the field; at the top, time scrambles galore. Tony Weller (1709) beat up Stephen Solomon (2358), Louay Al-Zaher (1691) beat Jonathan Humphrey (1795), Phachara Wongwichit (1596) beat Leo Wikinson (1690) and in a battle of the young 'uns a drawish ending between Daniel Anderson (1348) and Casey Barnard (1618) was a win on time for Daniel. Further down Stephen Kinder (932) struck again with a draw against Sam Constantin (1512) and Jessica Kinder (723) beat Alan Runciman (1183), while Moulthun Ly (unrated) drew with Andrew Davison (937). Rd.5. After a bad night (curry tummy) Leo Wilkinson (1690) was served some more hot stuff by Cameron Thompson (1118) making Leo 0/2 for the day. Mum Ingrid and brother Nathan also scored wins to give the family a 3-0 round. Mark Stokes managed to get himself in time trouble (what's new??) to blow (his words) a won position but your reporter thinks his opponent Daniel Anderson had something to do with the result. At the top Tony Weller's run was stopped by Khalimzahn Abykassov and Phachara Wongwichit beat Louay Al-Zaher setting up a first vs second last round clash. Rd.6 Well done Phachara (5.5/6) in winning the Redcliffe Challenge 2002 and picking up some ACF Grand Prix points. 1 Wongwichit Phachara QLD 1596 5.5 2-5 Solomon Stephen J QLD 2358 5 Abylkassov Khalimzhan 1978 5 Humphrey Jonathan QLD 1795 5 Weller Tony 1709 5 6 Davison Wayne 1572 4.5 7-15 Kimura Toshi 1705 4 Al-Zaher Louay QLD 1691 4 Barnard Casey T 1618 4 Constantin Sam QLD 1512 4 Harris Bruce 1452 4 Duggan Howard QLD 1428 4 Anderson Daniel C QLD 1348 4 Long Sam 1285 4 Foulger Gavin QLD 4 16-21 Alkin John 1551 3.5 Dyer Mike QLD 1472 3.5 Paterson Peter 1381 3.5 Briggs George 1072 3.5 Kinder Stephen QLD 932 3.5 Humphrey John QLD 3.5 22-31 Summers Paul G 1753 3 Wilkinson Leo 1690 3 Stokes Mark C 1584 3 Hvistendahl Robert 1445 3 Grunte Ted 1288 3 Runciman Alan QLD 1183 3 Thompson Cameron M 1118 3 Wagner Luke 976 3 Thompson Ingrid 837 3 Thomas Matthew 3 32-37 Maul Hans 1195 2.5 Finke Kelvin 1014 2.5 Keim Stephen 1008 2.5 Ly Moulthun 2.5 Olm-Milligan Dominic QLD 2.5 Talpade Udit 2.5 38-43 Sullivan Tara 1008 2 Thompson Nathan 976 2 Kinder Jessica QLD 723 2 Long David 604 2 Grigg-Tondelier Samuel 471 2 Szoropy Daniel 2 44 Davison Andrew QLD 937 1.5 45-48 Hoens Scott NSW 1043 1 Davies Andrew Willia QLD 747 1 Kinder Danielle QLD 204 1 Kumar Prashanth 1 49 Keim Nikos 0.5 50-51 Mcmahon Nathan 0 Mcmahon Andrew 0 KOALA 2002 TOURNAMENT A large field of 84 players, which is pretty good for a small chess centre like Sydney, entered this event. Top seeds were IMs John-Paul Wallace and Gary Lane. The field had some depth to it with 11 players being rated over 2000. Both Wallace and Lane seemed untroubled by the lower seeds and the tournament was decided by their 6th-round clash. Lane had a winning position but missed a tactic in time trouble, leaving Wallace a whole point in front with 1 round to play. Wallace took a quick draw with tournament surprise packet Spomenko Jurisic to sew up first, while Lane defeated George Xie for outright second. In what may be a first for Australian Chess, organiser Brian Jones increased the prize fund from $1800 to $2500 due to the larger than expected entry. - Shaun Press, DOP Place Name Feder Loc Score 1 Wallace, John-Paul NSW 2462 6.5 2 Lane, Gary W NSW 2443 6 3-6 Jurisic, Spomenko NSW 1837 5.5 Samar, Raul NSW 2189 5.5 Schultz-Pedersen, Jesper NSW 2130 5.5 Jones, Lee R NSW 2139 5.5 7-14 Stead, Kerry NSW 1974 5 Xie, George NSW 2097 5 Camer, Angelito NSW 2086 5 Winter, George NSW 1846 5 Abouchaaya, Tony NSW 2232 5 Grcic, Milan ACT 1803 5 Bolens, Johny NSW 2107 5 Capilitan, Romeo NSW 1999 5 15-22 Rej, Tomek NSW 2032 4.5 Song, Raymond NSW 1306 4.5 Wei, Michael ACT 1699 4.5 Huddleston, Heather NSW 1462 4.5 Chernih, Nick NSW 4.5 Ikeda, Junta ACT 1138 4.5 Escribano, Jose NSW 1636 4.5 Watson, James NSW 1613 4.5 23-35 Chan, Jason NSW 1802 4 Lane, Nancy L NSW 1824 4 Canuto, Carlo NSW 4 Dick, David W NSW 2054 4 Barakat, Martin NSW 1620 4 Yum, Brenton NSW 1643 4 Barisic, Frank NSW 1759 4 Villanueva, Anthony NSW 1519 4 Brown, Kevin M VIC 1645 4 Trkulja, Slavko NSW 1680 4 Stokes, Richard NSW 1423 4 Aich, Alexander NSW 1509 4 Silson, Ashley NSW 1686 4 36-48 Petersons, Haralds ACT 1680 3.5 Greenwood, Andrew ACT 1771 3.5 Carballo, Rick NSW 1700 3.5 Deacon, Graeme NSW 1499 3.5 Forace, Lee ACT 1561 3.5 Murphy, Peter R ACT 1282 3.5 Rara, Henry NSW 1548 3.5 Kumar, Rakesh NSW 1341 3.5 Smit, George NSW 1564 3.5 Huang, Justin NSW 1291 3.5 Talisayan, Samuel NSW 1118 3.5 Guzel, Adam NSW 1215 3.5 Kordahi, Nicholas NSW 1802 3.5 49-61 Pena, Patrick NSW 1300 3 Kresinger, Frank NSW 1457 3 Baterowicz, Mark NSW 1685 3 Parker, Trent NSW 988 3 Harris, Benjamin NSW 1095 3 Hoving, Eliot NSW 1184 3 Illingworth, Max NSW 850 3 Greenwood, Norman NSW 1488 3 Warwick-Day, Errol NSW 3 Soltysik, Adelaide NSW 1020 3 Song, Angela NSW 1230 3 Gonzales, Rolando NSW 3 Fell, Lloyd R NSW 3 62-68 Kumar, Anish NSW 2.5 Laugery, Bernard A NSW 1368 2.5 Harris, Rebecca NSW 1130 2.5 Reid, Vaness NSW 1144 2.5 Keuning, Anthony V NSW 1514 2.5 Soth, Socheat NSW 2.5 Rajendran, Karthick NSW 1482 2.5 69-75 Karayi, Valsalan NSW 1432 2 Soltysik, Chester NSW 1318 2 Nguyen, Andrew NSW 887 2 Chiddy, Lance NSW 908 2 Berger, Tomas NSW 1047 2 Ramachandram, Raj NSW 2 Sike, Paul NSW 1436 2 76-79 Sweeney, Matthew NSW 1068 1.5 Wilson, Greg NSW 1073 1.5 Keuning, Patrick J NSW 1154 1.5 Xu, William NSW 608 1.5 80-81 Kumar, Dhirendra NSW 1 Hoving, Marijke NSW 1 82-84 Wolf, Ludwig NSW 1440 0 Hsia, Jason NSW 0 Bailey, Gregory NSW 886 0 CHESS WORLD TOURNAMENT CENTRE TOURNAMENT A new permanent tournament venue with the ability to excite even the most mundane chess player and for our first regular tournament... We Want You! A tournament unlike any you have played in before! A venue unlike any you have been to before! An experience worth having! Where: Chess World Tournament Centre 758 North Rd, Ormond When: Tuesday Night 7.30 - 9.30 stay later for social chess and study Start: Tuesday 15th October (no round Cup-Day. Finals December 3 & 10) Format: Teams Tournament ( 2 per team ) 6-round Swiss & KO-Finals 10 points up for grabs each round 4 points: game/30 min. player 1 v. 1 and 2 v. 2 4 points: game/30 min. player 1 v. 2 and 2 v. 1 1 point: game/5 min. - Transfer chess 1 point: game/5 min. - Transfer chess (Transfer chess is a team game where pieces are able to be passed from one member to the other.) Already confirmed entries from IM Robert Jamieson, FM Scott Wastney, David Hacche and serious expressions of interest from many other Victorian Championship players! Don't miss out! Max capacity, 30 teams. INAUGURAL SYDNEY CBD CHESS CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP 6pm 14th Oct. to 25th November $20 Adults, $10 Juniors Guaranteed first prize is $150. Other prizes depending on number of entries. 1 hour per player flag fall, games will be rated Contact: P. Hanna Phone 9728-1272, email: Located at Floor One Restaurant, N.S.W. Leagues Club 165 Phillip St., Sydney between King St & Martin Place Meets for social games at 5PM Mondays THE GAP JUNIOR CHESS CLUB TOURNAMENT WESTERN SUBURBS JUNIOR CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP FOR UNDER 16s When: 10.30am to 3.00pm Sunday 27 October 2002 Where: The Gap Village Shopping Centre, Waterworks Road, The Gap (Brisbane) Time Limit: ACF Rapid play all moves in 15 minutes per player. 7 rounds Swiss draw. D.O.P. Ian Murray Prizes: Prizes will be awarded in categories: U16 U14 U12 U10 U8. Specific prizes will be determined on the day, dependent on the number of entries. Entry fees: $10 Post entries to: The Gap Chess Club, PO Box 545, Ashgrove 4060 Enquiries: Doug Foster 3366 1812 or Andrew Robinson 3300-6278 Entries can be obtained through our web-site at: As a last resort it will be possible to enter by 10am at the venue. BOX HILL OPEN WEEKENDER RAPID PLAY CHAMPIONSHIP 20 OCTOBER (including Queens and Rookies Cup October tournament) (sponsored as an event by the Whitehorse Council festival). Where: Waratah Room at the Whitehorse Council Centre. 379-397 Whitehorse Rd Nunawading (Melway ref 48G9) Time Limit: ACF Rapid play all moves in 20 minutes per player 7 rounds Swiss draw. Sunday Rounds (Oct 20) 11am. 12 noon. Lunch. 5 afternoon rounds D.O.P. Gerrit Hartland Prizes $600 distributed in 2 rating groups Trophies in age groups for Rookies and Queens Cup entries. All players are only eligible for one cash prize. Entry fees: $20; $15 concession. Post entries to: Trevor Stanning, BHCC Treasurer, 23 Chester St. Surrey Hills 3127, Victoria Enquiries: Box Hill mobile 0409 259 490 email: Enter through our web-site at As a last resort by 10am at the venue. The field will be limited to 120 entries. TOURNAMENTS IN NSW FOR 2002/3 for more details go to the NSWCA Website 6-7 Oct Koala Open Rooty Hill Brian Jones 9-11 Oct City of Sydney Junior Ch Lidcombe Margaret Cuckson 14 Oct-9 Dec Fishers Ghost 7rds Campbelltown Kerry Lee 14 Oct-9 Dec Berger Cup 7rds Hakoah 19-20 Oct Gosford Open Weekender & NSW Country Championship Gosford Patrick Keuning 30 Oct Ryde Eastwood Classic Ryde-Eastwood Tom Powers 2-3 Nov Laurieton Open Laurieton Endel Lane 10 Nov NSW Rapid Sydney NSWCA 16-17 Nov Taree RSL Spring Open Taree Endel Lane 23-24 Nov November Weekender North Sydney NSWCA 1 Dec NSW Blitz & NSWCA AGM Ryde-Eastwood NSWCA 7-8 Dec NSW Country Teams Champs Gosford Patrick Keuning 7-8 Dec Tuggeranong Vikings Weekender Canberra Ian Rout 10 Dec St George Summer Open St George Charles Zworestine 14-15 Dec Fairfield Summer Cup Fairfield Rolando 21-22 Dec Koala Masters (Invitational) Riverstone Brian Jones 2-10 Jan 2003 Australian Open Ch Penrith Panthers 25-26 Jan Australia Day Weekender North Sydney ANZAC Memorial Club NSWCA 8-9 Feb Newcastle Open Newcastle Greg Wilson 16 Feb City of Sydney Lightning Ryde-Eastwood NSWCA 15-16 Feb Taree RSL Summer Open Taree Endel Lane 23 Feb-27 Apr City of Sydney Champs Ryde-Eastwood NSWCA 24 Feb WSCP Lightning Tournament Rooty Hill Peter Cassettari 1-2 Mar Toukley U2000 Toukley Barry Mann 4393 2225 15-16 March Dubbo RSL Open Dubbo Alexander Aich 3Mar-8May Western Suburbs CP Local Clubs Brian Jones 18-21 Apr Doeberl Cup Canberra Roger McCart 6249 2041 3-4 May Laurieton Open Laurieton Endel Lane 11 May City of Sydney Rapid Ashfield Catholic Club NSWCA 17-18 May May Weekender Rose Bay NSWCA 24-25 May Mingara May Major (u2000) Mingara, Tumbi Umbi Mal Murrell 43923873 26 May-Aug Grade Matches Local Clubs NSWCA 7-9 June NSW Open Championship Ryde-Eastwood NSWCA 14-15 June Taree RSL Open Taree Endel Lane 12-13 July Fairfield Winter Cup Fairfield Rolando Atienza 14-19 Jul NSW Junior Championships Lidcombe Margaret Cuckson 27-28 July ANU Open Canberra ACTCA / Shaun Press 2-3 Aug August Weekender Rose Bay NSWCA 9-10 Aug Coal City Open Newcastle Greg Wilson 11 August Metropolitan Leagues rapid TBA 18 Aug-29 Sep Rooty Hill Open Rooty Hill Peter Cassettari 24 Aug-26 Oct NSW State Championships Ryde-Eastwood NSWCA 2 Sept-18 Oct Interleagues TBA 2 Sept Ford Memorial North Sydney Norm Greenwood 9 Sept -4 Nov St George Swiss 9rds St George 17 Sept Grade Match Presentation Ryde-Eastwood NSWCA Please advise if any details are incorrect to 2002 GRAND PRIX Organiser: Norm Braybrooke 19 Trafalgar Drive Kippa-Ring 4021 Email Webpage A reminder that we welcome details of each event for publication in this bulletin. Remaining events in 2002: 12/13 Oct Tweed Heads Open QLD Cat 3 Audie Pennefather 07 5536 9185 19/20 Oct Gosford Open NSW Cat 1 Allen Robinson 0412 607 207 or Rick Keuning 02 4390 7550 email 2/3 Nov Laurieton Open NSW Cat 1 Endel Lane 02 6559 9060 3-5 Nov Tasmanian Open Hobart TAS Cat 1 Kevin Bonham 03 6224 8487 9/10 Nov Hobsons Bay Open VIC Cat 1 Peter Caissa 0411 710900 16/17 Nov Taree RSL Spring Open NSW Cat 1 Endel Lane 02 6559 9060 23/24 Nov NSWCA Cat 1 Robert Keast 02 9649 8614 7/8 December Tuggeranong Vikings Weekender ACT Cat 1 Ian Rout 02 6281 4501 14/15 December Fairfield Winter Cup NSW Cat 2 Rolando Atienza 0421 379940 NSW 17, Qld 8, Tas 4, SA 4, ACT 3, WA 1, Vic 1. Total 38 events. Best wishes to all - Paul Broekhuyse