ACF Bulletin # 158 - 1 April 2002 Paid advertisement As chessplayers we are conditioned to use our intelligence. Sports betting and horseracing are vulnerable to intelligent attacks. If you are interested in betting scientifically to win, visit for sports betting or for horseracing. 10% extra discount for chessplayers on advertised specials, including AFL football. OZmium Pty Ltd. For informed attacks on sports betting and racing. IN THIS ISSUE Doeberl Cup, Darling Downs Open, Oceanic Zonal, ACF Council Meeting, ACF Sponsorship Committee, ACF Ratings, World and Asian Junior Selections, National Teams Competitions, Sports Pages, 2002 Grand Prix, 2002 Corporate Charity Teams Challenge, Lindsay Knight Obituary. DOEBERL CUP IM David Smerdon caused something of a sensation at the Doeberl Cup by defeating IM Gary Lane, GM Ian Rogers and GM Darryl Johansen in successive rounds. David finished with a draw against Brett Tindall to score a memorable victory on 6.5/7. Open: 1st David Smerdon 6.5 2nd Ian Rogers 5.5 3rd = Tomek Rej, Doug Hamilton, Brett Tindall, Gary Lane 5.0 Best local player Vladimir Smirnov 4.5 Best Junior Gareth Oliver, Svetozar Stojic 3.5 Major: 1st Ilya Zvedeniouk, Milenko Lojanica 6.0 3rd Oscar Oendy 5.5 1700-1799 Tony Weller, Adrian De Noskowski, Gogulapati Ramakrishna 5.0 Under 1700 Roland Brockman, Clive Lane, Philip Wen, Matthew Pakovic, Ewa Yap, Ian Dickson 4.0 Minor: 1st Shaun Ferris 6.5 2nd John Baker, Tom McCoy, Arthur Hujah 5.5 Under 1350 Nguyen Tran, Khoi Huang, 5.0 Best unrated Tor Lattimore 4.5 Smerdon 2326 Rogers 2555 B14 1.e4 c6 2.c4 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 4.d4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 6.cxd5 Bg7 7.Bb5+ Nbd7 8.d6 exd6 9.Qe2+ Qe7 10.Bf4 Qxe2+ 11.Bxe2 Ke7 12.Bf3 Nb6 13.Nge2 h6 14.h4 Be6 15.Rc1 Nfd5 16.Nxd5+ Nxd5 17.0-0 Kd7 18.Bxd5 Bxd5 19.Nc3 Bc4 20.Rfd1 g5 21.hxg5 hxg5 22.Bxg5 Rh5 23.Be3 Rah8 24.f3 d5 25.b3 Ba6 26.Bf4 b6 27.Kf2 Bf6 28.g4 Rh3 29.Nxd5 Bh4+ 30.Kg2 Be2 31.Kxh3 Bxf3 32.Be5 Rh6 33.g5 Bxg5+ 34.Kg3 Bxd5 35.Rc7+ Ke6 36.Kf2 Bh4+ 37.Ke3 Bg5+ 38.Ke2 f6 39.Bg3 Rh3 40.Kf2 Be3+ 41.Kxe3 Rxg3+ 42.Kf4 Rf3+ 43.Kg4 f5+ 44.Kg5 Rg3+ 45.Kh4 f4 46.Re1+ Kf6 47.Rc8 Rg2 48.Rf8+ Bf7 49.Re4 Kf5 50.Re5+ Kf6 51.Kh3 Rxa2 52.Kg4 Kg7 53.Ra8 Bxb3 54.Kxf4 Kf6 55.Rf8+ Kg7 56.Rc8 Rf2+ 57.Ke3 Rf7 58.d5 Rd7 59.Kd4 a5 60.Rc6 a4 61.Rxb6 Kf7 62.d6 Kf6 63.Re1 Bf7 64.Rf1+ Kg7 65.Rf3 Bb3 66.Rc6 Kg6 67.Kc5 Be6 68.Rc7 Rd8 69.Ra7 Rc8+ 70.Kd4 Rd8 71.Ke5 Bb3 72.d7 Bd1 73.Rg3+ Kf7 74.Kd6 1-0 DARLING DOWNS OPEN 1st John Myers 6/7 2nd David Stephson 5.5 3rd Matthew Sonter 5.5 4th Keven Duncan 5th Alain Pardoen 6th John Walker Rating Group A Keith Macleod Rating Group B Joshua Stewart Best Downs Player Andrew Dewis Best Cadet Steven Cooke 39 players OCEANIC ZONAL The official Australian representatives for the upcoming Oceanic Zonal to be held in Fiji from 6 to 11 May have been selected and are as follows: Open: 1. GM Darryl Johansen 2. IM Gary Lane Res. IM John-Paul Wallace Women: 1. WIM Irina Berezina 2. WIM Laura Moylan Res. WFM Narelle Szuveges Official representatives need to supply brief chess biodata and two photographs by Friday 12 April to Gary Bekker