From: "Graeme Gardiner" To: Subject: ACF Bulletin # 155 - 10 March 2002 Date: Sunday, March 10, 2002 9:39 ACF Bulletin # 155 - 10 March 2002 IN THIS ISSUE Upcoming Australian Open and Australian Juniors, Johansen v Speck Play Off, News for the Weekly Bulletin, Asian Boys and Girls Under 10s, 12s, 14s and 16s, British Championships, Dubbo RSL Open, 2002 Grand Prix, Correspondence. UPCOMING AUSTRALIAN OPEN AND AUSTRALIAN JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS The ACF requires bids for the above two events to be received by the ACF Tournament Director, Michael Baron by next Sunday 17 March in order to be considered at the ACF Council quarterly phone hook up on Monday 25 March. The Australian Open normally runs from around 28 December to 9 January and the Australian Juniors from around 11 January to 24 January. A bid for the Australian Juniors has been received from the Whitehorse Junior Chess Club on behalf of the Box Hill Chess Club and has been endorsed by the Victorian Chess Association. For some time the Chess Association of WA has earmarked the Jan 2004 Australian Juniors for 'their turn'. Bids for the Dec 2003/Jan 2004 Australian Championships would also be appreciated as soon as possible. JOHANSEN V SPECK PLAY OFF FOR AUSTRALIAN TITLE At this stage no firm arrangements have been made for this important play off. If you would like to bid to put on this event, please contact the ACF Tournament Director Michael Baron by next Sunday 17 March. CLUB NEWS, STATE NEWS, INTERESTING CHESS ANECDOTES, TOURNAMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS AND RESULTS There are now around 1,300 Australian chess players receiving this bulletin and the number is increasing weekly. I would be very pleased to include any chess information that is likely to be of interest to Australian chess players. Graeme Gardiner . ASIAN BOYS AND GIRLS UNDER 10, 12, 14, 16 TEHRAN, IRAN 28 MARCH TO 4 APRIL The organisers will give free twin share board and lodging to official representatives and one accompanying official. 9 Round Swiss, Rate of Play: G/90 plus 30 seconds a move from the start (Fischer). Contact: MJ Kambouzia, President Iran Chess Federation, Chess Palace, Hejab Street, Keshavarz Bvde, Tehran, Iran. Phone: (+98) 21 8951511-3 Fax: (+98) 21-8951514 Please contact the ACF Junior Coordinator, Brett Tindall if you wish to be considered for this event. BRITISH CHAMPIONSHIPS 28 JULY TO 10 AUGUST Australia is entitled to one official representative at the 2002 British Championships. Last year Zong Yuan Zhao participated. If you would like to be considered as Australia's official representative, please contact the ACF Selection Coordinator, Gary Bekker by next Sunday 17 March latest. I understand that players rated over FIDE 2360 automatically qualify. DUBBO RSL OPEN 16/17 MARCH Venue: Dubbo RSL Club Corner Brisbane and Wingewarra Streets, Dubbo Saturday Reg 10-10.30am, 10:30am, 1:30pm, 4:00pm. Sunday 9:30am, 12:00pm, 2:30pm. Prize Money: $325 first prize guaranteed. Divisional prizes for U1700, U1400 and unrated, depending on entries and also a junior prize if enough entries. Entry fees: Adults $40, Concession $30, Juniors $20 (a $5 dollar discount if paid by 1/3/2002) Cheques payable to Dubbo RSL Chess Club Rate of Play: 60 minutes per player, guillotine finish. Contacts: Alexander Aich 02 6884 4561 email Trevor Bemrose 02 6882 2725 email Webpage 2002 GRAND PRIX Organiser: Norm Braybrooke 19 Trafalgar Drive Kippa-Ring 4021 Email Webpage Remaining events in 2002: 16/17 Mar Dubbo RSL Open NSW Cat 1 Alexander Aich 02 6884 4561 29 Mar to 1 Apl Doeberl Cup ACT Cat 3 Roger McCart 02 6251 6190 4/5 May Laurieton May Open NSW Cat 1 Endel Lane 02 6559 9060 4-6 May Redcliffe Peninsula Open QLD Cat 1 Mark Stokes 07 3205 6042 18/19 May NSWCA Cat 1 Robert Keast 02 9649 8614 8-10 June Tasmanian Championships Burnie TAS Cat 1 Neville Ledger ph 03 6431 1280 8-10 June NSWCA Cat 2 Robert Keast 02 9649 8614 22/23 June Taree RSL Open NSW Cat 1 Endel Lane 02 6559 9060 22/23 June Gold Coast Open QLD Cat 3 Graeme Gardiner 07 5530 5794 29/30 June Suncoast Open Chess Tournament Noosa QLD Cat 3 Robert Hochstadt 07 5447 5056 July (Date TBA) Fairfield Winter Cup NSW Cat TBA Rolando Atienza 0421 379940 13/14 July Adelaide University Open SA Cat 3 Robin Wedding 08 8303 3029 3/4 August NSWCA Cat 1 Robert Keast 02 9649 8614 10/11 August Coal City Open NSW Cat 2 George Lithgow 02 4943 3862 7/8 September Launceston Weekender TAS Cat 1 Leo Minol 03 6344 7472 14/15 Sept Hobsons Bay Open VIC Cat 1 Peter Caissa 0411 710900 21/22 Sept Gold Coast Classic QLD Cat 3 Graeme Gardiner 07 5530 5794 5/6 Oct Redliffe Challenge QLD Cat 1 Mark Stokes 07 3205 6042 5-7 Oct Koala Open NSW Cat 3 Brian Jones 02 9838 1529 12/13 Oct Tweed Heads Open QLD Cat 3 Audie Pennefather 07 5536 9185 2/3 Nov Laurieton Open NSW Cat 1 Endel Lane 02 6559 9060 3-5 Nov Tasmanian Open Hobart TAS Cat 1 Kevin Bonham 03 6224 8487 16/17 Nov Taree RSL Spring Open NSW Cat 1 Endel Lane 02 6559 9060 23/24 Nov NSWCA Cat 1 Robert Keast 02 9649 8614 December (Date TBA) Fairfield Winter Cup NSW Cat TBA Rolando Atienza 0421 379940 NSW 16, Qld 6, Tas 4, ACT 1, SA 1, WA 1, Vic 1. CORRESPONDENCE STEWART REUBEN In reply to Brian Jones' comments. I thought in this bulletin, I was seeing views typical of a wide spread of players and organisers in Australia. The comments made regarding the time control in the Australian Championship were strongly in favour of a slower game than all in 2 hours or less. Also I have the benefit of listening to views of players and administrators of all strengths from all over the world. However, Brian does not make it clear whether he prefers games of two hours or less for himself or for considering opportunities for international honours such as title norms or becoming World Champion. If he were to be in charge of the World Championship, would he really choose all in 90 minutes, add on 30 seconds from the first? If so, fine. I can add his and his friends views to those of Iljumzhinov and Makropoulos. Stewart Reuben RENE OLTHOF As the Tournament Director in charge of the Endgame Study Section it is a great honour and privilege for me to announce the following composition event on behalf of Tim Krabbé. Tim Krabbé 60 Composing Tourney After nearly half a century of enjoying the beauty of endgame studies and problems, and reproducing many of them in my chess publications, I felt it was time to do something in return: to organize and sponsor a composing tourney - if only because I would like to spend my 60th birthday, 13 April 2003, admiring some fine studies and problems that might otherwise not have been there. Composers are invited to submit original compositions in two sections: 1) Endgame Studies 2) Problems - direct-mate moremovers Prizes in both sections will be 400, 200, 100, 2 x 50 and 2 x 25 Euro. 1) Endgame studies. Themes are free. Entries no later than 31 December 2002 to the Tournament Director, René Olthof, Achter het Schaapshoofd 7, 5211 MC 's-Hertogenbosch, NEDERLAND; e-mail: Judges: Harold van der Heijden and Tim Krabbé. 2) Problems - direct-mate moremovers. Themes are free. Entries no later than 31 December 2002 to the Tournament Director, Henk le Grand, Heimanslaan 5, 6705 AD Wageningen-hoog, NEDERLAND; e-mail: Judges: Ruud Beugelsdijk and Tim Krabbé. The awards will be published on Tim Krabbé's website in his weekly chess column in Algemeen Dagblad, and in EBUR and Probleemblad. I'll be looking forward to receiving your studies for this competition. Yours sincerely, René Olthof With very best wishes to all. Graeme Gardiner President Australian Chess Federation 11 Hardys Road Mudgeeraba Queensland 4213 Phone +61 7 5530 5794 Mobile 0438 305797 Fax +61 7 5530 6959 Email Chess - the Clever Sport!