ACF Bulletin #196, December 23, 2002 ---------------------- In This Issue ---------------------- * Grand Prix 2002 winners * GP co-ordinator needed * Melbourne Chess Club * Smerdon in World Junior * Obituary: Stuart McColl * Obituary: John Illingworth * Magazine launch: Australian Chess * HQ article * Public liability * Tournament results * Letters * Grand Prix 2003 * Upcoming tournaments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACF Bulletin: please register - and why you should ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone who hasn't already done so (ie, just about everyone) is kindly asked to fill in the online form on the ACF website ( to subscribe to this newsletter. It only takes a few minutes. You'll be sent an email to confirm the subscription. So far only about 400 out of 1500 ACF Bulletin recipients have done this. Thanks to them! Many people were puzzled when I asked them to do this some weeks ago. After all, they reasoned, I already receive the Bulletin, so why should I subscribe again? The short answer is: because it will help me a lot. The much longer answer is: because I'm having a great deal of trouble sending out the Bulletin, and all of you filling in the online form will solve my problem. I happen to live in a delightful little hamlet called Avoca on the NSW coast. There's a beach a few metres away; bandicoots, pythons and parrots in my garden; it's a hundred miles from Sydney and a thousand miles from care, and also - unfortunately - about 10 miles away from any hope of a decent broadband internet connection. No cable, no DSL, no nothing. Even satellite won't help me. Relying instead on my rusty phone line means that - with about half a dozen disconnections per session and the glacial pace of transmission - it takes most of the day to send out the newsletter. I've thought of resorting to carrier pigeons or smoke signals, which may well be quicker. It's all a small price to pay for living in paradise, you might think, and I'd agree. But being a thrifty Dutchman I like to economise on time as well as money. So please, please, please fill in the online form. By doing this, you'll allow me to outsource the *distribution* (email-ing) of this newsletter to a *reputable* internet company. This will free up many hours of my time, which could - in theory - allow me to improve the newsletter and devote myself slavishly to the betterment of Australian chess, world peace and other worthy endeavours, but probably - in practice - will simply improve my suntan. Either way, you'll have earnt my deepest appreciation. --------------------------------- ACF Grand Prix 2002 --------------------------------- Report by Norm Braybrooke The 2002 Grand Prix had 38 tournaments with 1853 participants and 740 point-scorers over the 6 prize divisions, many playing in more than one tournament - and some in more than one points division. Reporting of results required "minor" prodding and - again - considerable time was consumed in processing results not submitted in SwissPerfect format in the last 8 months of the year. Using SwissPerfect and importing players from the ACF ratings master list enables quick conversion to "December" ratings for points allocation. NSW again topped the tournaments-entered count, followed by Queensland, with most of the prize monies going to players from these States. Queenslanders benefited from a high percentage of Category 3 tournaments in the 250km stretch from the Gold Coast to The Sunshine Coast. We need more tournaments from Victoria, WA and country SA to get a truly National competition and share the prize money further, a little more commitment from tournament organisers and players (about $2.50 per player per tournament). Some players finished "in the money" in two categories and were awarded the higher cash value prize with the next in line moving up. The following list is provisional and has been prepared with all care. Competitors have until 03/01/03 to submit claims if they believe there is an error. After this date (subject to any review in progress) the list will be FINAL. Please address claims to and copy to Category winners (provisional): - Open Place Name State Rating Total $ 1 Rogers, Ian NSW 2574 88.50 875 2 Wallace, John-Paul NSW 2404 80.50 525 3 Solomon, Stephen J QLD 2348 77.50 350 4 Stead, Kerry NSW 1980 52.50 see U2000 5 Xie, George NSW 2091 46.33 see Junior 6 Lane, Gary W NSW 2488 44.58 200 7 Samar, Raul NSW 2230 44.25 150 Under 2000 Place Name State Rating Total $ 1 Stead, Kerry NSW 1980 67.50 525 2 Rej, Tomek NSW 1988 65.75 350 3 Weller, Tony QLD 1735 50.58 200 4 Guthrie, Aaron SA 1871 47.50 150 Under 1600 Place Name State Rating Total $ 1 Wongwichit, Phacahara QLD 1547 71.85 525 2 Escribano, Jose NSW 1528 61.25 350 3 Forace, Lee ACT 1555 56.50 200 4 Barakat,Martin NSW 1529 47.79 150 Juniors Place Name State Rating Total $ 1 Xie, George NSW 2091 85.5 350 2 Rej, Tomek NSW 1988 67 see U2000 3 Smerdon, David QLD 2293 60 200 4 Varela , Peter NSW 1586 60 150 Women Place Name State Rating Total $ 1 Lip, Catherine NSW 1807 84 200 Unrated Place Name State Rating Total $ 1 Soltysik, Chester NSW 50.83 200 State prizes Place Name State Rating Total $ 10th open Bonham, Kevin TAS 1880 35.33 200 36th open Byrne, Stewart WA 2178 12.00 200 12th open Teichmann, Erik VIC 2354 33.00 200 See and follow the links. ------------------------------------------------------ Grand Prix - co-ordinator needed ------------------------------------------------------ Norm Braybrooke has advised me that he will be unable to continue with the task of GP coordinator for 2003. He has done an outstanding job and we are truly indebted to him. We could not have asked for anything more. Well done Norm and many, many thanks. We are now looking for a new coordinator. Please advise Graeme Gardiner if you are prepared to take on this job. - Graeme Gardiner ------------------------------------- Melbourne Chess Club ------------------------------------- There's been a changing of the guard at the venerable Melbourne Chess Club following recent elections. The new committee consists of: President: Greg Gatto Vice President: David Beaumont Treasurer: Angelo Tsagarakis Secretary/Registrar: Matt Williams Member without portfolio: Gary Bekker The Bulletin also understands that there are hopes of a speedy resolution to the recent disagreement between the ACF and the club, which concerned the payment of fees. The ACF imposed a ban on the supply of services to the club - including withdrawing web-hosting facilities - but I understand this may soon be overturned. ------------------------------------------------------------- Smerdon excels in World Junior ------------------------------------------------------------- Queensland IM David Smerdon performed superbly in the World Junior in Goa, India, finishing just 2.5 points behind the new champion, GM Levon Aronian of Armenia. The 18-year-old had an incredible 2600 performance rating after seven rounds after taking the early lead with wins over the highly rated A.Timofeev (Russia, IM 2558) and C.Sandipan (India, IM 2510). Grandmaster Luke McShane (2546) of England beat him in round four, and went on to finish second in the event. In round 5 Smerdon lost to Ni Hua but then bounced back with two wins including a remarkable game against German IM Bromberger Round 7 S.Bromberger (Germany, IM 2414)-D.Smerdon (Australia, IM 2382) 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 e6 4 Nc3 exd5 5 cxd5 d6 6 e4 g6 7 f4 Bg7 8 Bb5+ Nbd7 9 e5 dxe5 10 fxe5 Nh5 11 e6 Qh4+ 12 g3 Nxg3 13 hxg3 Qxh1 14 Be3 Bxc3+ 15 bxc3 a6 16 exd7+ Bxd7 17 Bxd7+ Kxd7 18 Qb3 b5 19 0-0-0 Rhe8 20 Bxc5 Qg2 21 Kb1 Rac8 22 d6 Re6 23 Bb4 Rc4 24 a4 Qe4+ 25 Kb2 Re5 26 a5 Rh5 27 Ka3 Rg5 28 Rf1 f5 29 Rf4 Qe1 30 Nf3 Qa1+ 31 Qa2 Rxc3+ 32 Bxc3 Qxc3+ 33 Qb3 Qxb3+ 34 Kxb3 Rxg3 35 Kb4 Kxd6 36 Rd4+ Ke7 37 Ne5 Ke6 38 Nd3 Rg4 39 Kc5 Rxd4 40 Kxd4 Kd6 41 Nb4 h5 42 Nxa6 h4 42 Ke3 h3 44 Kf3 g5 45 Kg3 g4 46 Nb4 Kc7 47 Kh2 Kb7 48 Kg3 Ka7 49 Kh2 f4 50 Nd5 Ka6 0-1. In round eight Smerdon was felled by the mighty Russian Jakovenko - tipped by some as a future world champion. After some wins and draws - and despite losses to well-known GMs Ghaem Maghami and Harikrishna - he finished with an extremely impressive result: 7.5/13. Leading final scores: 10.0 Aronian 9.5 McShane 9.0 Ganguly, Timofeev 8.5 Potkin, Bu Xiangzhi, Berkes, Harikrishna, Ni Hua, Inarkiev 8.0 Jakovenko, Erenburg, Paragua, Mastrovasilis, Satyapragyan, Annaberdiev 7.5 Smerdon et al ------------------------------------------------------------- Penrith countdown (10 days to go) ------------------------------------------------------------- Have you sent off your Entry Form for the Pratt Foundation 2003 Australian Open Championships in Penrith? We have now received over 170 entries with more rolling in each day! The Seniors and the Week2 events have been canned due to low numbers but the Minor, Classic and Week1 will go ahead. The Australian Open has over 100 players, including five IM's and visitors from Germany, Denmark and other countries. The Australian Women's Championship has entries from three States and will proceed as planned. There are a limited number of place still available for the Chess Trivia Night (Dinner/Entertainment at 7pm on 5/1/03) Please telephone Brian Jones on 02-9838-1529 to reserve your place - don't miss out! Please visit the Championships website at Brian Jones ------------------------------------- Obituary: Stuart McColl ------------------------------------- Stuart McColl, husband, father and friend passed away on December 14 at the age of 60 after a long battle with emphysema. This happy, amiable and generous Scot will be missed not only by his wife, Pearl and sons Keith, Kevin and Jason but by all his many business and community contacts and in no small measure by his mates at the Suncoast Chess Club. Stuart was well known and respected within the Noosa community as a skillful exponent of the art of upholstery and for many years operated a successful upholstery business in the town. He was also known and respected at the chess club as a skillful exponent of the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit which you could guarantee he would play if given the opportunity and given the white pieces! Many a new (and old) player to the club would fall into his well-honed trap after picking up one or two of Stuart's seemingly gift pawns and he achieved a number of notable victories against players more highly rated over the 10 years that he was involved in the Suncoast Club. Stuart was humble and modest in victory and always gracious in defeat. Unfortunately, he had more occassion to be gracious than humble but he was forever the gentleman! I recall a game he played during a tournament at Noosa in which he was thrashing his opponent. Absent-mindedly, and with both players under time-control pressure, he forgot to press his clock and he lost the game on time as his opponent knowingly watched Stuart's clock tick away the minutes. The opponent claimed victory. Stuart didn't argue. He knew he'd lost according to the rules of play. He simply walked outside the hall and lit a cigarette. (Stuart found comfort in his cigarettes). That victory was to be the most miserable of MY career. Stuart never mentioned THAT game (well, hardly ever!!) but I knew he wasn't impressed with my win-at-whatever-cost approach and his quiet, sporting attitude changed mine such that I've never played that strategy since! Stuart enjoyed his nights at the club and would always greet his mates with a couple of jokes he'd heard that week from 'one of the sales reps'. He had a great sense of timing and always delivered the crucial punch-line perfectly. His forever broad Scots accent seemed only to add to the listeners' enjoyment of the gag. Then there were those evenings that serious, competitive members of the club dreaded. Those nights when Stuart was drawn to play against fellow Scot, Arch Edgar. The two couldn't help themselves trying to outdo one another with their funny stories that began in a whisper and ended in bellowing laughter amongst a chorus of shushes from fellow players! Stuart wasn't one for taking life too seriously! Stuart offered to open the premises on club nights and was invariably the last one to leave after having washed the cups and put away the tables and chairs. He always brought the milk for our coffees and often brought a pack of biscuits as well and never asked the club to compensate him for his expenses. He was always there at the Bicentennial Hall at 6am on the Saturday morning of the Annual Suncoast Noosa Open setting up the pieces and doing what had to be done and what so few members of the club were prepared to do. He was also a very generous financial sponsor of Suncoast tournaments donating hundreds of dollars over the years to enable the club to continue to hold its Grand Prix events. Stuart McColl is no longer with us. He was truly a gentleman and was very much the backbone of our club. Every (chess) club should be blessed with a Stuart McColl. Ours will miss him! Best wishes to all of you over Xmas and into 2003. Regards, Rob Hochstadt ----------------------------------------- Obituary: John Illingworth ----------------------------------------- It is with great sorrow that I have to report the death of Box Hill Chess Club life member John Illingworth last Friday. Although not one of our strongest players John was a terrific club member who served as club secretary for many years and was president in 93 and 94. He was elected an honorary life member in 1979 and by his service to the club repaid the honour many times over. The funeral will be held Friday December 27th at Springvale and anyone wishing to attend is requested to contact John's friend Brian at 9754 7878 for details. Gerry Hartland Club Captain ----------------------------- Australian Chess ---------------------------- The first issue of the new bimonthly magazine Australian Chess has now been posted out to subscribers. Look for the yellow cover with colour photo of Nick Speck on the cover! Annual subscription is $50. Send payment to: Australian Chess PO Box 370 Riverstone NSW 2765 Alternatively phone 02-9838-1529 or subscribe online at Overseas Airmail subscribers: NZ/Oceania add 20%, America/Asia add 40%, Europe add 50% Brian Jones Editor ------------------------- HQ Magazine ------------------------- See pp 60/61 of the December issue (95) of HQ magazine for a story on Arianne Caoili initiated at the Australian Masters event earlier in the year. ---------------------------------------------------------- ACF public liability insurance policy ---------------------------------------------------------- The following annual premiums apply for associations and clubs wishing to join the Australian Chess Federation public liability policy during the period 31/8/02 to 31/8/03. Australian Chess Federation: $615 Each State/Territory Association: $385 Clubs with 100 or more members: $325 Clubs with 50 to less than 100 members: $246 Clubs with less than 50 members: $162 Limit of Indemnity: $10,000,000 Policy Excess: $500 for property damage claims only. Enquiries: Chris Zuccala of Vicwide Insurance Brokers 03 9569 1569. The following is a list of the associations and clubs which are insured under the ACF policy as at 17/12/02: Australian Chess Federation Australian Capital Territory Chess Association Inc Chess Association of W.A. Inc New South Wales Chess Association Inc South Australian Chess Association Inc Tasmanian Chess Association Victorian Chess Association Inc ACTJCL Inc New South Wales Junior Chess League Inc Box Hill Chess Club Inc Gold Coast Chess Club Inc Melbourne Chess Club Inc Belconnen Chess Club Metropolitan Chess Club Applecross Junior Chess Club Bunbury Chess Club Inc Canberra Chess Club Dandenong Chess Club Inc Hobsons Bay Chess Club Midland Chess Club Modbury Chess Club Southside Junior Chess Club Suncoast Chess Club Inc The Gap Chess Club Inc Tweed Coolangatta Chess Club Inc Whitehorse Junior Chess Club Inc - Graeme Gardiner ================ Tournament results ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Australian Schools Championships 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Chess Victoria conducted the 5th National Schools Teams Championships at the picturesque Presbyterian Ladies College, 14th and 15th December. Congratulations should be recorded to Gary Wastell and his team who put together a fantastic tournament. All grades were keenly contested and there was an obvious lift in the general standard of play from previous years as teams appeared well prepared, well coached and above all enthusiastic and committed. The Open High School Division featured many upsets in the opening rounds, with defending champions "Churchie" from Queensland losing 3-1 to Melbourne High and Sydney Grammar being held to a draw with Applecross from WA. This division continued to be an "arm-wrestle", with "Churchie" showing their fighting qualities to clinch their 3rd successive title by a clear 1.5 points from Sydney Grammar with Melbourne High 3rd. Abbotsleigh (NSW) and PLC (Vic) were clearly the strongest teams on paper in the Girls High School Section and they proved that on the boards by finishing equal on 16.5 points a clear 3.5 points ahead of the rest of the field. Abbotsleigh were declared champions on tiebreak from PLC, with Saint Stephen's from Queensland placing 3rd. Worongary (Qld) set the early pace in the Primary Open Division, but were crushed 3.5-.5 by Chatswood (NSW) in the penultimate round, which went on to record a 2 point victory. Kaleen from ACT placed a creditable 3rd ahead of strong opposition. The Girls Primary Division was fought out in similar fashion to the Girls High Schools, with 2 teams - Essex Heights (Vic) and Kincoppal/Rose Bay - clearly the strongest teams. In the end Essex won by a half point, with defending champions Worongary (Qld) snatching 3rd ahead of the pack. Clearly more schools throughout Australia are viewing this tournament as one of prestige and worthy to be involved with. State titles are being more evenly contested and playing standards have certainly risen, which is great news for the sport of chess. - Russell Mowles --------------------------------- Vikings Weekender -------------------------------- 1st GM Ian Rogers (NSW) 6/6 2nd= Kerry Stead (NSW), IM Guy West (Vic) 5 U/1800 Gareth Oliver (ACT) 4.5 U/1600 Tor Lattimore (ACT) 4.5 U/1400 and Juniors 1st, 2nd, 3rd = Jeremy Neeman, Harry Johnson, Andrew Fitzpatrick, Michael Wei (all ACT) 4 The tournament was generously sponsored by the Tuggeranong Vikings club both in cash and in kind. DOP Charles Zworestine kept the event smoothly running to schedule with no incidents. The top results were much as expected but most of the other winners were the local juniors. In addition to the juniors sweeping the minor prizes, Tor Lattimore, Harry Johnson, Jeremy Neeman, Junta Ikeda, Sherab Guo-Yuthok, Jesse Maguire and Gareth Oliver all exceeded the scores forecast by the rating system by more than a point, and others also performed well. There were a number of upset wins and draws. The attendance of 55 was a marked rise over last year and enabled the organisers to increase the number of junior prizes from one to three, as the greater attendance was largely due to the number of junior entries. Interstate attendance was mediocre in terms of numbers but high in quality, featuring GM Ian Rogers, IM Guy West, Michael Lip, leading Grand Prix contender Kerry Stead, and David Dick who was unable to repeat his solid ANU Open result. Members of the Tuggeranong Chess Club are planning to put the event on next year so it is hoped that ACT chess players will again support it. Incidentally the TCC meets at Vikings, though in a different room from the weekender, commencing Monday 3 February next year. The full table can be seen from along with some games, and there is also now a link to some photos in a Yahoo album. As it is a public album the photos are not at full resolution; if anybody would like to see bigger pictures please contact me for instructions. Thanks to the various photographers, including Cathy Rogers, who took the pictures. - Ian Rout --------------------------------- 2003 Koala Masters --------------------------------- The 2003 Koala Masters was held at Riverstone 21-22 December with 20 promising juniors contesting a seven round swiss. Entry was by invitation only and the time limit was 1 hour followed by 10 secs/move. Jonathan Hui, who as an eight-year-old played in the first Koala Masters held way back in 1994, scored 6/7 to finish a clear point ahead of Adam Guzel, Max Illingworth and Eliot Hoving. Despite Tomek Rej in Japan, Justin Huang in China and Raymong/Angela Song withdrawing though illness the night before, the tournament was strongly contested with 13 of the 20 players having adult ratings. Special prizes were awarded to Adelaide Soltysik (U1200), Marijke Hoving (U1000) and Anisk Kumar (unrated). - Brian Jones ------------------------------------------------------------- Laurieton Christmas Chess ------------------------------------------------------------- 21 players contested this event. 1. Olesen Esper 5.5/7, 2=Varela Peter, Brown Phillip, Eccles Richard, Todoroski Naum 5.0, 6=Lukic Milorad, Louie Simon 4.5, 8=Weltner Michael, Northover Shane, Parr Bruce 4.0, 11=Lane Endel, Louie Victor 3.5, 13=Wilks Eric, Wells Leslie, Riordan Simon, Fajks Robert, Faruqi Osman 3.0, 18. Brown Joshua 2.5, 19=Brown Elischa, Olesen Ole, Piggott James 2.0. Wishing you all a Good Christmas and a successful Year 2003! Regards - Endel Lane. ------------- Letters ------------- Hi Paul This is to inform you that Kaleen Primary, ACT scored 10-1/2 points, not 10 points in the Open Primary of the Australian School Final. Thanks Cheers Mirabelle Guo xxxx The Editor, I am writing to you because I feel that what I have to say is very important for any webmaster in Australia that is or going to be involved in setting up 'LIVE' Chess Broadcast on the Internet. The DGT Inc. Chess boards, which I have found to be quite a sophisticated and reliable way to show live games on the net, is the way to go. I feel that all webmasters ought to be informed, regardless if their club owns a DGT board or not! All webmasters ought to make themselves aware as to where the necessary accessories are that go with the DGT boards, and have them made available if they need them for a tournament well in advance of the start of the tournament. There should be on the web somewhere information as to where all the DGT boards are, and how to access them. As well as the best software to use, including Java Applets - which I personally feel work well, but slowly. I have been communicating with DGT Inc. for some time now and they told me to run 'LIVE' chess using the DGT Boards I had to meet certain criteria. You would need 'bus' connection material to connect multiple boards to the PC(?) You can read about this on In general, this is how it works: The software collects the moves from the electronic boards and saves them live to, for example, a PGN-file. Than, through FTP, you upload this PGN-file frequently (and automatically, every 3 seconds or so...) to the website. There exist many (mostly java-applets) PGN-viewers that will show the PGN file to the internet user (see eg. The best FTP program to achieve this is Mike's FTP Tool: it can up-load an entire directory. I know only a few programs that are able to collect information from the DGT-boards: 1. CPS-light. This program can handle one electronic board per PC and has its own internet broadcasting. 2. TASC. Handles multiple boards per PC, and has internet broadcasting. It's a bit hard to use. 3. Queen. Free program that handles one board per PC and creates a PGN file. You'll need a web-PGN-viewer. 4. TOMA. Handles multiple boards per PC and has Internet broadcasting. 5. ChessBase 8? My recommendation is to use TOMA. It's specifically made to broadcast tournaments in a user-friendly manner. It supports multiple electronic boards per PC and it can create live websites. For web representation, it uses a flash viewer, which generates much less data traffic than java-pgn-viewers. If ACF buys a FULL licence and the financial part of it is paid as a collective then any club in Australia can use this very user-friendly program; it is just a suggestion. Because it is very user friendly, anybody can use it. I would suggest you download (free) the latest Toma software from the DGT site: TOMA 1.04 available click here to download You can experiment with it free at your club by using one board, connected with its supplied conventional serial cable. The Toma software has a quick start guide and now also has links to wiring documentation. Please familiarise yourselves with more live games, "The World Junior Championships from Goa India". The Official site is: PGN viewer is at You do not want to wait until you are a couple of weeks away before your Major Chess Tournament to find out your lacking certain information! SPONSORSHIP IS VITAL! Sponsorship ought to be planned long in advance of the date of the event. Do not wait to ask for sponsorship at the last moment! PLAN AHEAD! Ask the businesspersons at the place you will be playing about everything humanly possible to make sure you know what they are willing to sponsor! If you do not you might end up in trouble and disappointed. You could be STUNNED at the overall cost they would ask to set up a hole in their firewall, or to use their computers to change the notation into pgn format. And to eventually upload all the games daily to the world. They could be asking for thousands of dollars which you do not have. I know the importance of SPONSORSHIP: it is VITAL to any future event that you are planning to hold. So if you are planning a tournament for next January 2004 start planning it NOW! Next find out WHO is HOLDING ALL the equipment that came with the DGT Boards and get hers/his advice quickly: we need to share this information with each other so that no-one is in the dark about the use of these DGT Boards! In fact EVERY WEBMASTER please make yourself aware as to what you need to do to get a 'LIVE' game up and running! Respectfully Yours, Steven Nicholls SACA webmaster (Ed's note: I think this letter makes some very valuable points: principally that information about how to upload games on to the internet, and where the relevant equipment is, should be made readily available on the net for the benefit of ACF supporters. As I understand it, the ACF has several DGT boards - thanks to the generosity of UTS, Queensland - and there is also free software available for uploads (though opinions vary greatly on which is the best program). As regards Java applets for displaying the games, some much-improved freeware has appeared recently, and there are also free Javascript programs, and even Flash. A number of these applets are already on the ACF site. Rest assured, a page including contacts and information about uploading games will appear on the ACF site soon.) =================== Upcoming tournaments =================== Sydney CBD Chess Club 80 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, two minutes walk from St. James Station. Commencing 7pm Lightning Chess Competition Entry Fee $10. Bring a clock if possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Melbourne FIDE Rating Tournament - February 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Want to compete for an international ranking? Places are still available in the Melbourne FIDE Rating Tournament being held 14th February - 3rd March 2003. Entry fee is $150. Play is on three consecutive weekends at Melbourne Chess Club. Rate of play is all moves in 90 minutes, plus 30 seconds per move. Further details are available from the website Entry is strictly limited to ten players so enter now or miss out. - Gary Bekker ----------------------------- Victorian Masters ----------------------------- (Eds note: the email for those interested in this event is: ) Dear Chessplayers, I am looking to organise a Victorian Masters, run along similar lines to the Australian Masters. We will aim for an IM norm event, but can't guarantee such, although being close to Easter and the Doeberl Cup we may get some internationals who want to compete in both. Please email me back, sooner rather than later, if you are interested in playing in this event. Formal invitations will be sent out after the Aussie Open. Dates: Saturday 5th April - Wednesday 16th April Round 11 2.00pm ------------------------------------ ACF Grand Prix 2003 ------------------------------------ Australia Day Weekender Category 2 NSW Jan 25-26 Contact: P.Cassettari Newcastle Open 2003 Category 2 NSW Feb 8-9 Contact: for info phone (02) 49433862, (02) 49469627, (02) 49612223 Taree RSL Open Category 1 NSW Feb 15-16 Contact: Endel Lane (02) 6559 9060 Tasmanian Open Championship - Burnie Category 1 TAS Mar 8-10 Contact: Neville Ledger (03) 64311280 nlchess@tassie .net .au Dubbo RSL Open Category 1 NSW Mar 15-16 Contact: Alexander Aich (02) 68844561 Doeberl Cup Category 3 ACT Apr 18-21 Contact: Roger McCart 'phone (06) 6251 6190 37th. Peninsula Open Category 1 QLD May 3-5 Contact: Mark Stokes (07) 32056042 Laurieton May Open Category 1 NSW May 3-4 Contact: Endel Lane (02) 6559 9060 NSWCA May Weekender Category 2 NSW May 17-18 Contact: P.Cassettari Tasmanian Chess Championship Category 1 TAS Jun 7-9 Contact: K.Bonham (03) 62248487 NSW Open Championship Category 3 NSW Jun 7-9 Contact: P.Cassettari Taree RSL June Open Category 1 NSW Jun 14-15 Contact: Endel Lane (02) 6559 9060 Gold Coast Open (Gold Coast CC) Category 3 QLD Jun 21-22 Contact: Graeme Gardiner (07) 55305794 Caloundra Open 3? QLD Jun 28/29 Contact: Derrick Jeffries NSWCA August Weekender Category 2 NSW Aug 2-3 Contact: P.Cassettari Gold Coast Classic (Gold Coast CC) Category 3 QLD Sep 20-21 Contact: Graeme Gardiner (07) 55305794 12th. Redcliffe Challenge Category 2 QLD Sep 27-28 Contact: Mark Stokes (07) 32056042 Tweed Open Category 3 QLD Oct 4-5 Contact: Audie Pennefather, Koala Open Category 3 NSW Oct 5-6 Contact: Brian Jones Laurieton Open Category 1 NSW Nov 1-2 Contact: Endel Lane (02) 6559 9060 Tasmanian Chess Championship Category 1 TAS Nov 1-2 or 1-3 Contact: K.Bonham (03) 62248487 Gosford Open Category 2 NSW Nov 8-9 Contact: Lachlan Lee Taree RSL Spring Open Category 1 NSW Nov 15-16 Contact: Endel Lane (02)6559 9060 NSWCA Navember weekender Category 2 Nov 22-23 Contact: P.Cassettari Total 20 NSW 14 QLD 6 ACT 1 TAS 3 --------------------------- Flagfall for 2003 --------------------------- Best wishes to everyone in the festive season, and happy new year. - Paul Broekhuyse